Saturday, August 11, 2007

Two Historic New Episodes: Earthless!! and Satisfaction!!


give an interview and perform the masterpiece,
Sonic Prayer in its entirety.Bummer the Ken Club decided to not have
any lights on.
I tried to compensate...but iMovie doesn't dig 51 minute songs as much
as I do so I had to edit most of this in Quicktime Pro. The sound is
pretty decent until the last couple minutes when Mario is raging full
on and then the snare distorts a little bit.
for fans of: Led Zeppelin, Pelican, Neurosis


This fantastic band brings strong seventies
infused melody to create a unique indie sound that's harder to get out
of your head than it is to explain which obviously is hard because
it's caused me to write this mind numbing run on sentence that really
is too long and making me feel kind of weird and itchy.
for fans of: E.L.O, Smile, Emitt Rhodes, Supertramp

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