Friday, July 18, 2008

P12 Season 2 #28: TEAM ABRAHAM

Current Episode:

Team Abraham!

Team Abraham fromDavid McHank on Vimeo.Team Abraham plays their very cool and unique brand of folksy indie rock in Abraham's garage and back yard.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Aaron Espinoza of Earlimart!!!

Aaron did a solo in-store at M-Theory Records in San Diego for National Record Store day.

There's some amazing cameos, including a bum asking who's the goobus. Aaron also receives some complementary electroshock therapy.

Aaron Espinoza of Earlimart!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

two new ones!

I absolutely can't believe these bands let me film them. So stoked. Amazing bands... both of them. Don't blow it, check these out.

Rogue Wave

Earthless: The Pyles Sessions

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I'm pretty stoked on this one, I've been trying to get Astra on the show since the first time I saw them last year with Earthless. They didn't disappoint. a 45 minute set comprised of exactly two songs.
If you can imagine digging on Pink Floyd crossed with Black Sabbath, Yes, and Magma, you're on the road to Astra.
There's an interview following the set.

Current Episode:


One more thing, you'll notice it's still hosted on Google Video- I tried to put it on Vimeo four or five times and it just wouldn't recognize it no matter what format I put it in. Then I tried and it wasn't compatible with my Mac. I'm still researching better quality options for the video.
I'm open to ANY suggestions.